XIX “Populariser of Science” competition launched

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Thanks to funding from the Ministry of Education and Science programme “Science for Society”, the Science in Poland website is organising the “Science Populariser” competition for the 19th time.

The competition is open to individuals, institutions and teams that popularise science. Projects and undertakings lasting at least two years will be considered. The competition jury will select winners in five categories: 

Scientist – individuals popularising science from a doctoral degree upwards;

Animator – individuals popularising science who do not hold a scientific degree, e.g. students and doctoral students, administrative staff of a university; 

Team – teams of science popularisers formed e.g. by scientists, popularisation animators, scientific circles, people working on joint popularisation projects; 

Institution – scientific institutions (e.g. institutes, university units), non-scientific institutions (e.g. NGOs), science centres and companies. 

Media – journalists, media editorial teams, bloggers or website development teams.

Submissions can be received until 17 September.


