XXXI UMTS Polar Expedition to Spitsbergen


The XXXI Polar Expedition of the Maria Curie Skłodowska University (UMCS) in Lublin to Spitsbergen set off in mid-June. The expedition, led by Dr Piotr Zagórski will last until early September. 

The main objectives of the expedition will be to carry out research tasks within the framework of two projects: 

Autonomous system of fibre-optic quasi distributed temperature sensor for measuring ground temperature (SPILOD). This is a continuation of the work started in summer 2022, when a distributed ground temperature measurement system Cryosphere Integrated Observatory Network on Svalbard (CRIOS) was installed near the UMCS Polar Station in Calypsobyen. 

The project is financed by a grant from the European Environment Agency (EEA). It mainly focuses on building an automated measurement network of Svalbard’s cryosphere (permafrost, snow, glaciers), which will provide fresh weather, snow and ice data via satellite communications. 
