Young researchers of the Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruń to receive ministerial scholarships


Three scientists from the Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruń will receive scholarships from the Minister of Science and Higher Education. The scholarship is awarded for a maximum of 36 months, and the amount of support is PLN 5,390 per month.

Dr Wojciech Filipiak from the Pharmaceutical Faculty will conduct interdisciplinary scientific research on the use of modern analytical techniques (mainly mass spectrometry) to identify metabolites of pathogenic microorganisms and tumors for non-invasive diagnosis of lung diseases.

Dr Joanna Kułaga-Przymus, from the faculty of mathematics and computer science is the author of numerous publications in the international journals, papers and a participant of projects under NCN grants. Her interests are focused on ergodic theory and its relationship with number theory.

Dr Joanna Walewska-Choptiany from the Faculty of Humanities is a media historian, particularly interested in the border between art, technology and society.


Higher education