A consortium involving the Adam Mickiewicz University (UAM) in Poznań carried out the HETMAN project (‘Healthy Society – towards optimal management of wind turbines’ noise’). Its aim was to comprehensively investigate the nature of wind turbine noise and determine the best methods for its monitoring, control and prediction.
The team of scientists analysed issues related to the operation of wind turbines, including the annoyance and possible methods of monitoring and forecasting noise, the impact of infrasound on human health and effective methods of reducing it.
“Our university science is oriented towards the development of theory and metatheory, but there is no doubt that the research carried out in our faculties is often of very important practical and social relevance. The project, which is the subject of today’s deliberations, is perfectly in line with the social mission of our university”, said Prof Zbyszko Melosik of the Adam Mickiewicz University at the meeting summarising the project.
Read more: https://amu.edu.pl/nauka/popularyzacja-nauki/artykuly-popularyzacja-nauki/turbiny-pod-kontrola