The European Commission (EC) has announced the results of the competition for consortia of European universities that have completed the pilot phase and want to continue their cooperation. Among the winners is EPICUR – a consortium that includes the University of Adam Mickiewicz in Poznań
The development strategy of the EPICUR consortium until 2030, leading to the establishment of the Federation of European Universities, received a grant of EUR 18 million from the European Commission under the ERASMUS + program for its implementation. Design titled EPICUR-SHAPE-IT will be realized by 2028.
Currently, EPICUR consists of 9 universities from 7 European countries, which together have designed the way to achieve a goal that each university cannot achieve alone. The main ambition of the consortium is to rebuild the educational and research potential and possibilities in the member universities in order to develop original, innovative solutions and educate new generations of Europeans.
More: https://amu.edu.pl/dla-mediow/komunikaty-prasowe/epicur-z-grantem-w-wysokosci-18-mln-euro