Students from the SimLE scientific association at Gdansk University of Technology are working on an innovative harbour drone. The drone will monitor the cleanliness of the harbour basin and help prevent various types of contamination.
The SeaSentinel project is the brainchild of Igor Rusiecki, a second-year student of oceanotechnics at the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Shipbuilding. Based on the concept of the port of the future, i.e. with a reduction in the human factor, the drone is to be equipped with sensors for water turbidity, temperature and pH, and thus act as the ‘eyes’ of the port authorities and detect danger
Students from the SimLE research club will take part in an international competition in the United States with their vehicle in March. RoboBoat2023 is an international student competition where teams from all over the world design autonomous robotic boats to navigate a challenging course. The competition will take place in Sarasota, Florida.
Read more: https://pg.edu.pl/aktualnosci/2023-01/studenci-z-simle-pracuja-nad-innowacyjnym-dronem-portowym