The results of the 13th Word of the Year competition, organised by the Institute of Polish Language at the University of Warsaw (UW), have been announced. In the Internet voting, the word ‘election’ won, while the jury of linguists chose the phrase ‘artificial intelligence’.
Participants in the competition could choose a word from a list or submit their own proposal. The words to choose included: kraken, grenade launcher, deputy, election, patho- investing, inflation, and others.
Artificial intelligence and election were considered the most important in 2023.
The jury of linguists, under the auspices of the Council for the Polish Language, chose the expression artificial intelligence in this year’s competition. The second place was taken by the word election, and the third ex aequo were the words inflation and deputy.
The Word of the Year was also chosen by Internet users, who submitted more than 6 000 votes in the poll. The winner was the word election, second place took the term artificial intelligence and third place the word inflation.