President Andrzej Duda signed an amendment to the laws on higher education and science and the National Centre for Research and Development (NCBR). The amendments provide for the reinstatement of the supervision of the Minister of Science over NCBR and clarification of the rules for the centre’s appointment of commercial law companies.
NCBR is an executive agency implementing the state’s scientific and innovation policy. It implements scientific research and development programmes that are strategic to the interests of the state. On 1 August 2022, supervision over the centre was transferred to the minister responsible for regional development. The aim of the introduced changes is to return the supervision of NCBR to the minister of science.
“This is a return to normality. This is good news, but there is a lot of work ahead of us, as we know what dark cloud are upon NCBR. Now I will be sending a request to the Minister of Finance, Andrzej Domański, for the National Revenue Administration to inspect all documents related to finances with a quick check on the announced competitions will be made. A deep restructuring will certainly be needed to restore credibility”, said Minister Dariusz Wieczorek, commenting on the signing of the law.