Dr Eng. Jolanta Grażyna Zuzda and Dr Eng. Piotr Borkowski together with Prof. Robert Latosiewicz and the Institute of Innovation and Technology of the Białystok University of Technology have patented the invention “A device for rotary ankle exercises”.
“In order to prevent damage to the ankle joint, or even pain in the feet, muscles should be strengthened, and mobility in the joint should be improved using, for example, the rotational exercise program developed by me and Prof. Robert Latosiewicz”, says Dr Jolanta Grażyna Zuzda.
According to the Białystok University of Technology, the invention also enables the performance of foot abduction and adduction movements, as well as supination and pronation.
Supination is external rotation, i.e. turning a limb outward in relation to its axis. Pronation is internal rotation, that is, turning the limb inward in relation to its axis. Thanks to the device, people can also perform static stretching, i.e. keep the foot in a certain position for up to 50 seconds.