Scientists from Kalisz examined the mortality of Poles as a result of alcohol abuse


Researchers at the State Higher Vocational School in Kalisz (PWSZ) have proven that mortality among Poles at young and middle age has increased significantly due to alcohol abuse.

The research of a team of scientists from the PWSZ and the Foundation “Health Promotion” shows that due to diseases directly related to alcohol consumption in the years 2002-2017 about 110,000 Poles prematurely died including 89,000 men and 18 thousand women over 20 years old. These analyzes took into account data from the World Health Organization regarding Poland.

Alcohol related diseases include alcohol-related liver disease, gastritis, pancreatitis, intoxication, neurodegeneration and mental disorders. According to researchers from Kalisz, an immediate return to the alcohol reduction program is needed in Poland.

Medicine and biotechnology