Researchers from the University of Life Sciences in Wrocław will investigate branches of German concentration camps, including in the Lower Silesian Forests. The aim of the search is to find forgotten and secret graves of Nazi victims and to assess material evidence of the living and working conditions of prisoners.
Research within the project ‘Bioarchaeology and Archaeology of Landscapes of National-Socialist Repression: A Central and Eastern European Perspective’ will be conducted by an interdisciplinary team from the Wroclaw University of Life Sciences and the University of West Bohemia in Pilsen.
The researchers’ first objective is to assess the material evidence concerning the entanglement of the Nazi ‘camp country’ in war production and military logistics. Hundreds of camps were closely linked to various industrial facilities and military installations. A second, equal goal of the project is to find forgotten/hidden graves of Nazi victims.
Read more: https://upwr.edu.pl/aktualnosci/naukowcy-z-upwr-w-poszukiwaniu-grobow-ofiar-nazistow-3902.html