15th LIDER competition

fot. NCBR

For the fifteenth time, the National Centre for Research and Development (NCBR) will select young scientists who, leading their own teams, will conduct research and development projects in the LIDER programme. A grant of up to PLN 1.8 million can be obtained for the implementation of individual ideas. The call for applications will start on 19 February 2024.

As NCBR emphasises, the Leaders will develop their competences in independent R&D planning and management of their own research team, during the implementation of projects whose results may have practical application and have implementation potential.

The total allocation of money that NCRD will allocate to support projects in the 15th LIDER competition is PLN 80 million. Projects should include applied research and development work.

The call for applications will start on 19 February and will last until 29 March 2024.

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Research and development