170,000 Polish students received mLegitimacje


Universities in Poland have already issued over 170,000 mLegitymacje, student ID cards on the phone. This solution has already been used by 120 universities in Poland.

Student mLegitymacja is part of the mObywatel application and performs the same functions as the traditional version of the document.

-The participants joining our project pay no costs. The university does not have to buy additional hardware or software. Students receive only benefits in the application installed on a smartphone, which will replace the traditional version of the document. This solution has already been used by 120 universities in Poland. We will encourage more higher schools- said the Polish Press Agency Adam Andruszkiewicz, secretary of state in the Chancellery of the Prime Minister.

The Department of Digital Policy Promotion of the Chancellery of the Prime Minister reminded that if a student wants to put his student ID on the phone, the first step should be made by the university. The Rector or a person designated by him should complete the appropriate form on the website https://www.gov.pl/web/cyfryzacja/uruchomienie-mlegitymacji-studenckiej-ankieta . The next stage is signing the agreement.

Higher education