17th National Sociological Congress to hold the conference on immigration and environmental protection


The Polish Sociological Association and the Institute of Sociology of the University of Wroclaw are inviting participants from 11 to 15 September to the 17th National Sociological Congress. The leading topics of the conference will be immigration and environmental protection.

The congress “Me, We, They? Subjectivity, identity, belonging” allows for the active participation of representatives of all sociological subdisciplines and related sciences.

This conference also allows to take a new look at integration and conflicts, capitals and values, the various faces of multiculturalism and the consequences of contemporary migrations, the battles for social order and lifestyles, the identity, the condition of Polish sociology, the role of sociologists in the contemporary world, old and new social problems, the repeal or setting various boundaries, and finally – at the complexity of the entire modern world.
More: https://uni.wroc.pl/ukraincy-zabieraja-prace-a-politycy-ratuja-srodowisko/
