4 Polish universities to launch National Network of Coordinate Metrology


Four technical universities: the Krakow University of Technology (consortium leader) and the Poznań, Warsaw and Świętokrzyska Universities of Technology are forming the scientific network and research center of the National Coordinate Metrology Network (NSMET).

The project assumes establishing new facilities: the Laboratory of Ultraprecision Coordinate Measurements in Kraków and the Multiscale Laboratory of Coordinate Measurement Technology in Poznań.

Its unique, especially designed research equipment will allow to provide the most accurate coordinate measurements in the world. They will serve all fields of science and industry, from advanced optics, medicine, through mechanics, mechatronics to energy.

The main goal of the NSMET project is to create in Poland a specialized research infrastructure for the development of coordinate metrology. It is an area of ​​science that deals with the measurement and 3D imaging of all geometric objects.

Higher education Technical sciences