576 researchers to receive grants from the National Science Centre 


576 researchers will receive nearly PLN 491 million to carry out research as part of the OPUS 23, PRELUDIUM 21 and POLONEZ BIS 2 competitions. Researchers will deal with the following issues: health care, climate change, changes in the brain. A total of 4 299 applications of a total value of over PLN 3 billion were submitted for competitions announced by the National Science Centre.

In the OPUS 23 competition, which supports scientists at every stage of their scientific career, 1 983 applications were submitted, 266 of which will receive funding totalling PLN 401.5 million.

In the PRELUDIUM 21 competition, which supports the development of young scientists, enabling them to gain experience in project management even before obtaining a doctoral degree, 2 163 applications were accepted, 258 of which will receive funding totalling over PLN 41.2 million. 

In the POLONEZ BIS 2 competition, addressed to foreign researchers, 153 applications were received, of which 52 researchers will receive funding for a total amount of nearly PLN 48.2 million. 

Research and development