RUR World University Rankings


University of Warsaw (UW) was in the 389th place of the latest RUR World University Rankings among 829 universities from 70 countries classified in the ranking. Apart from the University of Warsaw, there are 5 more Polish universities in the ranking.

Round University Ranking (RUR) is developed by an independent ranking agency RUR from Moscow in cooperation with Clarivate Analytics. It has taken 20 criteria into account, grouped into 4 main categories: education, research, internationalization and financial stability.

Among Polish universities, the University of Warsaw was the best in three categories: research (447), internationalization (349) and financial stability (543). In the fourth criterion, i.e. education, the Jagiellonian University (189) is the Polish leader, which generally has been classified in 392nd position.

Other Polish universities in the ranking include: Warsaw University of Technology (551) Gdańsk University of Technology (642), Lodz University of Technology (665) and University of Lodz (674).

The ranking is topped by American universities: Harvard University and the California Institute of Technology (Caltech) and Imperial College London is in third place.

Higher education