Polish Rectors Foundation to hold conference International cooperation – possibilities of remote operation


The webinar “International cooperation – possibilities of remote operation” will take place on May 28 at 13.30. The event is organized by the Polish Rectors Foundation together with PCG Academia, with the support of the Institute of Public Affairs of the Jagiellonian University and under the auspices of the Chairman of the Conference of Rectors of Polish Academic Schools.

The “Academic Forum”, the media partner of the webinar emphasizes, that coronavirus pandemic affects universities in their didactic, scientific and organizational activities. Therefore, the rectors face the necessity of implementing key processes for the functioning of the university in completely new conditions.

The pandemic has a negative impact on the internationalization of the university. The international mobility of students and employees of higher education as well as budgets for internationalization and international projects have been very limited. These issues will be discussed at the nearest webinar. Participants can register at: https://www.pcgacademiawebinaria.pl/

Events Higher education