Student of the Wrocław University of Science and Technology awarded in an American competition


Andrzej Kaczmarek, a student of the architecture department of the Wrocław University of Science and Technology, won the honorary award in the competition “Architecture at Zero 2020”. Organizers sought the best concept for the new San Benito County Public Library in California.

Over 150 works from around the world have been submitted to the competition organized by the American Institute of Architects California and Pacific Gas and Electric Company in California. Participants were to design a zero-energy public library to be built on the spot of the current facility from the 1960s.

A Wrocław student was awarded for the “Atrial Creep” project, in which the library would benefit from solar, wind and geothermal energy, as well as the energy of movement of people using the library – thanks to a new technology in which polymer pavement tiles convert the kinetic energy of steps into electricity. The facility would also collect rainwater.

Technical sciences