Dr Eng. Anna Lewandowska, Prof. of the Poznań University of Economics was elected by the Steering Committee for Environmental Footprints at the European Commission as the main representative of Poland in the group of experts of the Technical Advisory Council.
The experts’ task is to advise and support the Commission in the activities undertaken in the current transition period of the environmental footprint project. The project is one of the pillars of creating a single market for organic products.
The Environmental Footprints of Products and Organizations methodically derive from life cycle techniques, which are an important element of environmental management systems. They are planned as a recommended methodology for measuring environmental performance over product and organization life cycles. Life cycle techniques and environmental footprints will play an important role in the transformation towards a circular economy, and are also part of the “Productivity Strategy” being developed by the Ministry of Development.
More: https://ue.poznan.pl/pl/aktualnosci,c16/aktualnosci,c15/prof-anna-lewandowska-ekspertem-rady-doradcza-w-ke,a94480.html