Catholic University of Lublin recruiting PhD students


The Catholic University of Lublin (KUL) is recruiting PhD students for its Doctoral School. It offers 11 scientific majors. Each PhD student will receive a scholarship.

The Doctoral School of KUL offers education in 11 scientific majors: philosophy, history, linguistics, literary studies, art sciences, legal sciences, sociological sciences, pedagogy, canon law, psychology and theological sciences.

It is an interdisciplinary school that contributes to the formation of new research staff – emphasizes Prof. Mariola Łaguna, director of the Doctoral School of the Catholic University of Lublin.

The curriculum refers to the temple metaphor based on four columns. The first is academic competence, the second – the dissemination of knowledge, the third – methodological competencies, and the fourth – specialist competencies. Each part of the column corresponds to the specificity of the proposed activities. The base means compulsory classes, common to all doctoral students, the shaft means elective classes, capital is the doctoral student’s own activity.

Until August 29, people who are considering doctoral studies have time to send applications.

Higher education