University of Economics in Poznań to implement projects from the NAWA Intervention Grants program


The University of Economics in Poznań (UEP) has obtained funding for two research projects under the Intervention Grants program of the National Agency for Academic Exchange.

NAWA has financed the project led by Dr Ewa Łaźniewska, UEP, in cooperation with a foreign partner: Institute of Regional Research named after MI Dolishniy of NAS of Ukraine “Challenges on the labor market in counties in the Polish-Ukrainian borderland in terms of the influx of war refugees from Ukraine. Assessment of the situation, conclusions for Polish regions, entrepreneurs and poviat labor offices”.

The university will also implement the project “Impact of sanctions on enterprises of the countries imposing them – a case of an armed conflict between Russia and Ukraine (RUSAN)”, led by Prof. Beata Stępień in cooperation with the University at Albany, State University of New York and the German Institute for Global and Area Studies.

Modern economy