Metropolis of Upper Silesia and Zagłębie inviting participants to a conference on nuclear energy

Tomasz Kawka / East News

The Metropolis of Upper Silesia and Zagłębie (GZM) is inviting participants to the conference “Atom for local government. Nuclear energy as an opportunity for the energy transformation of Silesia and Zagłębie”.

During the conference, local government officials, experts and representatives of economic circles will talk about the opportunities offered by the use of this energy source in the energy transformation of coal regions.

During the conference, participants will answer the questions whether nuclear energy is an opportunity for the energy transformation of coal regions; does it provide access to cheap, clean and stable energy, which is so important in the current situation on international markets; Why should local governments be interested in the development of nuclear energy and is SMR (small modular reactors) the basis or supplement to the future energy?

The special guest of the conference will be Mark Nelson, co-author of the “Repowering Coal” report and author of analytical papers on clean energy.


Modern economy