University of Silesia promoted in UniRank 2022 ranking of universities

22.05.2014 Katowice , rektorat Uniwersytet Slaski . Fot: Adrian Slazok/REPORTER

The University of Silesia (UŚ) was ranked 11th out of 128 evaluated Polish universities in the new UniRank 2022 world ranking of higher education institutions. In the world ranking, the university moved up 310 positions and was ranked 966th out of approximately 13,800 universities included. 

UniRank is intended to determine the popularity and visibility of a university on the internet (including Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and YouTube). UŚ improves communication on social media and websites. This is evidenced by the development of a communication guide for UŚ staff, students and doctoral students, which contains useful tips related to efficient communication. 

The high ranking was influenced by the fast and effective response to the pandemic and the introduction of online education. Since the beginning of the pandemic, the UŚ has worked on the implementation and development of remote learning a guide to remote learning and a special service have been created.

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Higher education