Additional funds to enrich the Virtual Library of Science


The Minister of Education and Science, Przemysław Czarnek, has granted an additional PLN 12 million to finance subscriptions to the journals ‘Nature’ and ‘Science’, which will contribute to the resources of the Virtual Library of Science. The total budget of the project is PLN 256 million.

The Minister’s decision to allocate additional funds for the purchase of access to scientific journals is dictated by the need to provide all Polish scientists with free access to the world’s knowledge resources – electronic databases and scientific journals and publications in electronic form. It is also a response to the voice of the teaching community, which made a demand to maintain access to Nature and Science journals.

The Virtual Library of Science is a task financed by the Ministry of Education and Science to purchase and make available to entities forming the system of higher education and science in Poland worldwide knowledge resources in the form of electronic scientific journals, scientific books and bibliographic databases.
