Silesian University’s residential summer school begins  

Unwersytet Śląski

Around 200 young people from almost all over the world, including Brazil, China, Egypt, Ghana, India, Japan, Canada, Morocco, Nigeria, Turkey, Ukraine and Italy are taking part in the courses of the full-time summer school of the University of Silesia in Cieszyn. 

In addition to the students, foreign lecturers have also come to Cieszyn to develop their competences in teaching Polish as a foreign language. Under the guidance of experienced methodologists and glottodidacticians, they will learn new language training techniques, attractive teaching aids and interactive ways of working with students.

Participants will also take part in meetings, concerts, film screenings, workshops and language games. They will learn about the richness of Polish culture, history and the socio-economic situation of Poland, take part in an ecological and language week, watch the sky through the eyes of Copernicus, and during weekend educational trips they will visit Katowice, Oświęcim, Beskid Śląski and Krakow.

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Higher education