Herder Centre at the University of Gdansk resumes its activities after a summer break

Uniwersytet Gdański

The Herder Centre at the University of Gdansk is resuming its activities after a summer break. On 23 September, the Centre is inviting visitors to an open day, a series of lectures and a walk entitled ‘Gdańsk and its environs in the time of Johann Gottfried Herder’, as well as language workshops.

Lovers of walking tours will be offered a guided tour of the Main Town based on descriptions of Gdańsk in travelogues from the 18th century, and those who prefer relaxed open-air meetings will be treated to a talk on Gdańsk women in the 18th and 19th centuries and their successors.

The talk will be accompanied by a happening prepared by the Garrison Gdańsk Historical Project, during which it will be possible to meet Gdańsk citizens in costume from Herder’s times, see how everyday life was on the streets of Gdańsk in the 18th century and talk to guests from that period. In addition, there will be presentations and a discussion on the role of philosophy in the past and today at the Centre for all those who like discussions.

Read more: https://ug.edu.pl/news/pl/5710/centrum-herdera-zaprasza-po-wakacjach
