Conference on the 65th anniversary of the Constitution of the Fifth Republic of France


The Institute of Legal Sciences of the Polish Academy of Sciences (PAN), together with the European Centre for Systemic Research of the University of Lodz, are organising a conference on 28 September 2023 in Warsaw entitled “State, Law and Nation. Is the Fifth Republic still an asset of France?”. The event will take place on the 65th anniversary of the referendum in which the French people adopted the Constitution of the Fifth Republic.

The 1958 Constitution of the Fifth French Republic, together with a tradition of interpretation and case law, forms part of Europe’s legal heritage.

According to the PAN in its communication, questions about the stability of the system and institutions are recurring, and new proposals for reform are emerging. Indeed, in a modern democratic state, systemic sustainability requires an appropriate balance between the stability of the constitutional compact and its ability to evolve in order to maintain the trust of citizens and to meet their expectations.

The conference will be attended by Polish and French experts on systemic issues. It is sponsored by the President of the Polish Academy of Sciences and the French Embassy in Poland. 
