Warsaw University of Technology launches Festival of Young Engineers

Politechnika Warszawska

Five faculties of the Warsaw University of Technology (PW): Physics, Materials Engineering, Mechanical Engineering Technology, Mechatronics and Management combine efforts to show young and old the diversity of the engineering world and invite visitors on 16 September 2023 to the auditorium of the PW Physics Building for the Festival of Young Engineers.

Engineers from the PW will show what is happening in modern science, how the knowledge gained at university is used and how to make creative use of technical skills.

The programme of the event includes: material games (wood, metal, gold and ceramics), secrets of magnetic railways, 3D printing, a photonic labyrinth, computer simulations using the Tecnomatix Plant Simulation tool, Chinese puzzles and chess, Lego Boost races, playing with colours in an engineering style and material as tissue, i.e. talking about biomaterials.

The Festival of Young Engineers will take place as part of the 27th Warsaw Science Festival.
