Poznań University of Life Sciences to develop furniture and interior design for the welfare of children


The University of Life Sciences in Poznań (UPP) is leading the project ‘KidsLikeUs: Empowering NGOs & public institutions in helping children overcome migration traumas using creativity and favours of nature’. Participating universities of art, medicine and technology, NGOs and local authorities from Poland, Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia, Finland, Sweden and Norway.

In times of pandemics, lockdowns and war in Ukraine, children and young people have experienced increasing levels of anxiety, depression. To counter this, research has been undertaken to identify opportunities to improve children’s wellbeing through the use of sensory design concepts for furniture and interiors.

The project will create a set of digital and traditional solutions to create mobile and modular arrangements in which volunteers, teachers, caregivers can more easily and comfortably conduct inclusive, relaxing and therapeutic activities.

Read more: https://puls.edu.pl/aktualno-ci/projektowanie-mebli-i-wn-trz-w-trosce-o-dobrostan-dzieci
