SONATINA 8 and DAINA 3 competitions

fot. NCN

The National Centre of Science (NCN) has announced SONATINA 8 and DAINA 3 competitions, in which applications can be submitted until 15 March 2024. Researchers who have recently obtained a PhD degree and scientists planning to cooperate with Lithuanian partners have a chance for a grant. The budget of the announced competitions is PLN 36 million.

SONATINA supports the careers of young researchers by enabling them to be employed full-time in units under employment contracts and to conduct research in Poland. The winners of the competition also have the opportunity to gain knowledge and valuable experience during internships lasting from 3 to 6 months in high-quality foreign research centres. A SONATINA grant at a given unit cannot be managed by a person who has obtained a doctoral degree there.

The third DAINA competition is a continuation of NCN’s cooperation with the Lithuanian Scientific Council. The competition is open to Polish scientists who are planning to carry out research in cooperation with Lithuanian partners. The leader of the Polish team must have at least a PhD degree and have at least one published or accepted for publication paper or at least one artistic or artistic-scientific achievement, depending on the area of science represented.

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Research and development