Wrocław researchers have succeeded in reconstructing the famous teriak, a medicine known since antiquity and used throughout Europe until the end of the 18th century. A joint project between the Medical University of Wrocław and the University of Wrocław on the reconstruction of old Polish medicines is coming to an end.
Teriak was a real medicinal hit of several eras across Europe – from antiquity until the 18th century. It was primarily recommended as an antidote to poisoning, but during epidemics its importance became special – it was believed to protect against illness and death.
The reconstruction of teriac was based on a prescription by a licensed apothecary from Toruń, written in 1630, whose practical use has been historically confirmed. The researchers managed to decipher the notes of the Toruń apothecary, obtain most of the original ingredients, supplement the missing ones with period substitutes and reconstruct the ‘miracle’ remedy.
Read more: https://www.umw.edu.pl/pl/aktualnosci/rozwiazane-zagadki-staropolskiej-apteki