Scientists of the University of Silesia join the transnational DEEPWATER-CE project


Researchers from the Department of Hydrogeology and Engineering Geology at the Faculty of Earth Sciences of the University of Silesia are participating in the transnational DEEPWATER-CE project “Developing an integrated approach in implementing solutions for the management of additional groundwater supply to facilitate the protection of Central Europe’s water resources threatened by climate change and user conflicts”.

The main goal of the project funded under the Interreg Central Europe program is to support water resource planning and management by implementing Managed Aquifer Recharge systems as a solution to the problem of water scarcity caused by climate change.
The project involves 8 partners from Hungary, Croatia, Slovakia, Germany and Poland. Their meeting will take place on 30 September in Sosnowiec, which will be an opportunity to get acquainted with the opinion of participants and their experience related to additional groundwater supply.

Research and development Technical sciences