A graduate of pharmacy at the Medical University of Silesia receives a grant under the Leader program


Dr Aldona Minecka, a graduate of pharmacy at the Medical University of Silesia – received a grant of almost PLN 1.5 million awarded by the National Center for Research and Development as part of the Leader XII call. This funded research will answer the problem of poor solubility and bioavailability of most of the active substances used. 

The problem of poor solubility and bioavailability results in the fact that a small percentage of the dose of the drug taken by the patient shows the desired activity – this causes the need to take higher doses and the risk of side effects, which often have to be dealt with using other pharmaceuticals (which creates a vicious circle).

The grant assumes three alternative and modern paths of action: amorphization (conversion to an amorphous form), micellization – development of individual, “tailor-made” polymer carriers for selected substances and working on polymorphic forms.

More: https://sum.edu.pl/uczelnia/wiadomosci-z-zycia-uczelni/13952-grant-dla-absolwentki-wydzialu-nauk-farmaceutycznych-sum-gratulations

Medicine and biotechnology