Dr Katarzyna Czernek-Marszałek, professor at the University of Economics in Katowice from the Department of Management Theory, was among the fifteen finalists of the 22nd Polityka weekly’s Scientific Awards in the field of social sciences. Finalists were selected in five fields of science: humanities, social sciences, pure science, technology and life sciences.
Dr Katarzyna Czernek-Marszałek’s area of scientific interest is inter-organisational relations – cooperation, competition and coopetition (cooperation with competitors) – and their significance for the functioning of enterprises. Her research is mainly concerned with the tourism sector, but in recent years it has begun to include other sectors as well.
The scholarship programme for young scientists ‘Stay with us’ has been run by the Polityka Weekly Foundation since 2011 under the name POLITYKA Science Awards. This promotes valuable career patterns and scientific achievements”.