A valuable old print donated to the collection of the Library of the Adam Mickiewicz University Collegium Polonicum

Uniwersytet im. A. Mickiewicza w Poznaniu

Barbara Schumann, a Slavist and translator from Berlin, has donated a valuable book to the Library of the Collegium Polonicum of the Adam Mickiewicz University in Słubice: a German edition of the ‘History of Poland’, written down by the Chevalier de Solignac, or Pierre Joseph de la Pimpie (1687-1773), Secretary of State to King Stanisław Leszczyński. 

The first volume of this work was published in Halle in 1763, translated and edited by Karl Friedrich Pauli, professor of history and public law at the university there. A second volume translated and completed by Johann Friedrich Joachim, professor of history and librarian at the University Library of Halle, was published in 1765.

The book donated to the Collegium Polonicum Library belonged to the private book collection of Hubert Schumann (1941-2013), translator of Polish literature and expert on Polish culture, whose legacy is deposited in the Karl Dedecius Archive in Słubice.

Read more: https://amu.edu.pl/wiadomosci/aktualnosci/komunikaty-prasowe/cenny-starodruk-w-zbiorach-biblioteki-collegium-polonicum
