Academy of Physical Education in Katowice successfully combines VR technology with physiotherapy

Akademia Wychowania Fizycznego w Katowicach

Researchers at the Academy of Physical Education in Katowice have taken modern technology under the microscope and are successfully using it in physiotherapy. Popular interactive video games are helping the recovery of patients at the State Hospital for the Nervous and Mentally Ill in Rybnik.

The hospital is implementing a project ‘Evaluation of the impact of virtual reality-based feedback exercises in the rehabilitation of elderly people, including those with Alzheimer’s disease and people of all ages with schizophrenia’. The benefits for patients are visible to everyone.

This is a real revolution in the process of comprehensive treatment for schizophrenia patients. From the moment of inclusion in the programme, the patient exercises regularly, gets out of bed, changes their environment and, most importantly, begins to form a new, healthy habit. Enthusiasm and smiles begin to emerge, mood improves, and this is one of the most expected outcomes of therapy.

Read more:–budowanie-wiez–zbijanie-puszek-awf-katowice-z-sukcesami-laczy-technologie-vr-z-fizjoterapia-501.html

Medicine and biotechnology