Academy of Physical Education in Poznan to hold a conference on dancer movements


The Department of Dance and Gymnastics and the Students’ Scientific Society The Laboratory of Dance of the Academy of Physical Education in Poznan invite participants to the International Scientific Conference Dance Connections which will be held on February 14 and 15.

In Poland, dance is still perceived first and foremost in aesthetic terms, as a field of art, and people forget about its rehabilitation and therapeutic character. Conference guests will present different systems of thinking about movement and dance.

The event will be attended by Frey Faust, a world-renowned dancer and choreographer who built an evolving pedagogical approach to the organization and mutual correlation of empirical and scientific results of research on human movement thanks to his independent research on anatomy, biomechanics and physics.

The conference is addressed to physiotherapists, athletes, lecturers, dancers, teachers and trainers related to physical culture and fitness, and people interested in personal development.

Events Higher education