Adam Dobroński becomes the custodian of Ryszard Kaczorowski President’s Office


Dr Adam Dobroński, a retired professor at the University of Bialystok (UwB), became the honorary custodian of the President’s Office of Ryszard Kaczorowski. The decision was taken by the rector of the UBB, Prof. Robert Ciborowski.

Professor Dobroński is a historian working for the largest Białystok university since 1972. He created an exhibition of President Kaczorowski’s office (the last President of the Republic of Poland in Exile) in the University Library.

The decision to transfer the Warsaw cabinet to the University Library, left by President Kaczorowski, tragically died in 2010, was taken in 2011 by his wife, Karolina Kaczorowska.

The collection includes nearly 3 thousand. books, magazines and documents, as well as almost 200 souvenirs, gifts, medals, diplomas, paintings and personal items. The office is located on the campus of the University of Bialystok.
