Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań launched the UAM GO app 

fot. Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu

The Adam Mickiewicz University (UAM) in Poznań has released the UAM GO app. Its purpose is to make navigating the university easier, but also to provide support for anyone who has ever had trouble finding their way around the university. 

Navigation in the app is personalised – it is easy to determine the most convenient routes in the facilities of the two UAM campuses, considering your individual preferences and needs. The route can be tailored to your preferences, and you can decide whether to include lifts, stairs or other route features. 

The app also includes descriptions of halls and rooms and information about obstacles, such as thresholds or narrow doors. Evacuation alerts also appear in it. 

“You will be kept up to date with information about possible dangers. If necessary, you will quickly contact the gatehouse. You’ll always know what’s happening on campus – from a broken lift to planned renovations”, say the developers of UAM GO.

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