Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań obtains PLN 11 million to support people with disabilities


University of Adam Mickiewicz in Poznań obtained PLN 11 million funding within the National University of Research and Development competition ” Available University” for its project “ University open to all as 21st century university”. The money will be used to provide support to people with disabilities.

The project will expand the availability of facilities such as the Collegium Iuridicum, where access to the library has not been provided until now. The building will be equipped with an elevator, similarly as in the already modernized Collegium Heliodori, as well as in the Collegium Novum building.

The project includes the purchase of evacuation trolleys for each of the facilities and the development of an application informing students about the evacuation, and the staff that the student is in a given place and she needs help. There will also be trainings in the scope of cooperation with students with various types of sensory and mental disabilities.

Higher education