Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań to apply for the recommendation of the European University Association


University of Adam Mickiewicz in Poznań is applying for an international “quality mark”, i.e. the recommendation of the European University Association (EUA), which cooperates together with 850 universities from 47 countries.

EUA implements numerous European projects supporting the development of higher education. The association creates good conditions for exchange of thoughts and experiences between universities in the form of conferences, discussion forums, workshops and thematic seminars.

One of the programs implemented by EUA is the so-called Institutional Evaluation Program (IEP EUA). 400 universities from 45 countries around the world agreed for that voluntary assessment. The Poznań University follows the Gdańsk University of Technology, the Lodz University of Technology and the Wrocław University of Economics in the list of Polish universities being registered its accession to the IEP EUA program.

Higher education