Additional Polish projects received funding under the GRIEG call


Seven projects from the reserve list received funding in the GRIEG call, following the granting of additional funding from the Norwegian Financial Mechanism. Polish scientists will receive a total of over PLN 42 million for research conducted in cooperation with Norwegian partners. 

A closer understanding and description of the processes of development of societies and models of good life is one of the goals of the project run by Dr Jakub Krys from the Institute of Psychology of the Polish Academy of Sciences. The project will be carried out in cooperation with researchers from SWPS University of Humanities and Social Sciences in Warsaw and the University of Oslo in Norway. Scientists want to conduct quantitative and qualitative research in at least fifty countries.

The projects that have received funding include also the Project of Deep Sea – the largest biological system on Earth, considered to be a life frontier area. Scientists from the University of Gdańsk under the supervision of Prof. Tadeusz Kaczorowski want to study the unique biodiversity of microorganisms living in the depths and on the bottom of the mid-ocean ridge system in the Arctic Sea area.
