Researcher from the University of Lodz received the Maxwell / Hanrahan Foundation Award


Dr Marta Kolanowska from the Faculty of Biology and Environmental Protection of the University of Lodz (UŁ) received the American Maxwell / Hanrahan Foundation Award for research on orchids. She discovered 370 new species of orchids, earlier unknown to science. She was among 5 researchers in the world, awarded by the Foundation with the amount of USD 100,000 in the category Research.

Dr Kolanowska was recognized for her contribution to the study of biodiversity of the least studied regions of the world. She has participated in over 20 tropical expeditions where has discovered 370 orchid species unknown to science.

The Maxwell / Hanrahan Foundation also pointed to the exceptional value of the research conducted by Dr Marta Kolanowska on the problems of climate warming, the reduction of tropical forests and human activity in the context of the range of orchids in the world.
