AGH University of Science and Technology started cooperation with Cisco


Vice-Rector for Cooperation of the AGH University of Science and Technology in Kraków Prof. Jerzy Lis and the general director of Cisco in Poland Przemysław Kania signed a letter of intent regarding cooperation between AGH and Cisco.

Both sides declared cooperation in increasing the effectiveness of education for AGH UST students and staff, joint development of innovative projects, applying for them financed from external sources, organizing internships for AGH UST students in Cisco branches and organizing job fairs, workshops, seminars and conferences.

– We are very pleased with the closer cooperation between AGH and Cisco. We believe that science and business should always complement each other and in this case it will be of mutual benefit. It is especially important for us that our students will be able to practically broaden their skills acquired during classes. After all, our goal is to educate in line with the expectations of the labor market – emphasized the Vice-Rector for Cooperation of AGH Prof. Jerzy Lis.

Events Higher education