AGH University of Science and Technology to launch a Network of Space Universities


The AGH University of Science and Technology in Kraków presented the concept of establishing a Network of Space Universities. The aim of the network will be to exchange experiences in the field of education and research in the field of space technologies, create a discussion platform and facilitate cooperation between research groups working at Polish universities.

Space for Earth and Humanity – this is the slogan that will guide the initiative Space University Network presented at AGH.

-The dynamic development of the space sector, observed in Poland, Europe and all over the world, poses a number of challenges for Polish universities. New workplaces, specialized companies and laboratories are looking for highly qualified employees from the space industry. For Polish universities, this is a chance to join this sector and provide it with well-educated specialists – said Prof. Jerzy Lis AGH UST Rector, initiator of the Space University Network.

Higher education Technical sciences