Scientists from the Warsaw University of Technology receive SET Panel Excellence Award 2020


Scientists from the Warsaw University of Technology (PW): Prof. Eng. Krzysztof Kulpa and Dr Eng. Piotr Samczyński, from the Faculty of Electronics and Information Technology, won the SET Panel Excellence Award 2020.

This prize is awarded by the Panel Sensors & Electronics Technology belonging to the Science and Technology Organization, which operates within NATO structures.

Prof. Krzysztof Kulpa leads the NATO SET-242 Passive Coherent Locators on Mobile Platforms group, and Prof. Piotr Samczyński leads the NATO SET-258 Deployable Multiband Passive / Active Radar Deployment and Assessment in Military Scenario group. These teams bring together leading world scientists specializing in radar technologies, in particular in innovative solutions for passive radars and fusion of passive and active radars.

Thanks to the involvement of PW scientists, it was possible to organize and conduct a NATO exercise in Poland called APART-GAS (Active Passive Radar Trials – Ground-based, Airbone, Sea-borne). Its main goal was to test the available prototypes and demonstrators of passive radars (including the solutions created by researchers from the Warsaw University of Technology) and their cooperation with the active radar network.

Events Technical sciences