Application process for the Lectors 2020/2021 Program completed


The National Agency for Academic Exchange (NAWA) announced the results of application process for the Lectors Program for 2020/21. The assessment process allowed to select the best teachers to conduct Polish language classes in over 80 foreign academic centers cooperating with NAWA.

The Lectors program accomplishes one of NAWA’s goals to promote the Polish language abroad. In this year’s program, teachers will travel to over 30 countries.

As part of the Lecturers Program, NAWA scholarship holders will prepare and run a course “Polish as a foreign language” as well as classes disseminating knowledge about Poland, its culture and history.

They will also maintain contacts with Polish diplomatic missions, cultural institutions as well as business representatives and other entities in order to offer participants the broadest and most attractive offer to learn about Poland and Polish language.

Higher education