Warsaw University of Life Sciences joins an international project supporting a healthy diet


The Warsaw University of Life Sciences (SGGW) in Warsaw becomes a scientific partner of the international project ‘StratKIT – Innovative Strategies for Public Catering: Sustainability Toolkit across the Baltic Sea Region’. Its purpose is to develop guidelines that will facilitate the introduction of a healthy diet into mass catering, especially in school canteens.

The project’s leader is the University of Helsinki. It will be implemented until June 2021 as part of the INTERREG Baltic Sea Region program. Its 13 partners from six Baltic countries and 10 associated partners from the sectors of public administration and catering services, research centers and the consulting industry will participate in the project.

-The introduction of organic food into school menus is very important task because young people should be healthy. A diet based on organic products is free of pollution. In addition, it contains significantly more important compounds for health such as polyphenols, vitamins and unsaturated fatty acids from the omega 3 group – emphasizes Prof. Ewa Rembiałkowska, the contractor of the project on the part of SGGW.

Higher education