Artificial intelligence supports PGNiG’s exploration for natural gas and oil

09.08.2020 Lubiatow , nalezaca do PGNiG Kopalnia Ropy Naftowej i Gazu Ziemnego Lubiatow ( KRNiGZ Lubiatow ) n/z flara fot. P.Dziurman/REPORTER

Company Geofizyka Toruń of the PGNiG Group, in cooperation with startup Evorain, is developing a programme to enable more effective analysis of seismic data. The solution will be able to be used in natural gas or oil exploration, reports PGNiG.

“The project led by Geofizyka Toruń and Evorain will allow more efficient and effective detection and assessment of the potential of hydrocarbon deposits and geothermal waters. It can also be used in the search for space for underground gas reservoirs or for CO2 injection. As a result, the software will make it possible to improve research work for the energy sector in operational and financial terms”, says PGNiG’s vice-president for development, Arkadiusz Sekściński

The joint research and development work is carried out on the basis of seismic data samples provided by Geofizyka Toruń. The final stage of the project is currently underway. It includes the development of a programme using artificial intelligence algorithms and machine learning.

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